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Audible alarm in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-09-22Updated:2024-09-22
Similar words: audibleinaudibleaudiblyinaudiblyfire alarmsmoke alarmfalse alarmaudibility
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1. Check audible alarm frequently to ensure that it is in good working order.
2. Sound the audible alarm each time the screen is refreshed.
3. There is no audible alarm condition or the audible alarm has not been silenced.
4. Take into account in the design of user actions used to set the visual notification, audible alarm and many other useful little feature.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
5. The Hidden Camera Detector is so small you can take it anywhere. When a wireless camera is detected, an LED light flickers and an audible alarm sounds.
6. Alarm Cut Off. Feature that allows the manual silencing of the office audible alarm. (Subsequent new alarm conditions might reactivate the audible alarm.
7. If the mother is given the wrong child, the RFID tag detects the mismatch and activates an audible alarm.
8. Overload, over-temperature, or shaft jam conditions stop the motor and are signaled by a display indicator and audible alarm.
9. These can be software services such as an Apache web server or physical services such as an audible alarm.
10. Developed for field use in military environments, the unit provides a visual or audible alarm when a threat is detected and classifies the agent by threat category.
11. The notification is by means of an attention light or an audible alarm.
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